VMware Workstation is very useful application that can provide you a feature function to install several Operating Systems in it. You can switch between some Operating System frequently while you are using that Operating System in VMware Workstation. How to Install VMware and Use VMware to Install Ubuntu. Ubuntu is also a feature free software, it's fast and easy to use with some helpful Linux Command. Ubuntu is one of the most well-known and useful server Operating Systems available. Today I am going to show you how to build Ubuntu Server 14.04.3 LTS as a Virtual Machine running on VMware vSphere ESXi using the VIrtual Machine Remote Console and ISO Image on local disk. Let’s get started. Download the ISO. Download Ubuntu Vmware (VMDK, VHD) and VirtualBox (VDI) ready-to-use images for free. Run Ubuntu as secondary OS on your primary operating system.
2 Answers
From Ubuntu's website, of course. :-) You don't need a special VMWare only ISO.http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server
Ubuntu 14.04 Iso Download For Vmware
You can get the Ubuntu server virtual images from VMware's repository for images here:
You can search for the image you want in the search box to the left. However, if you are looking for the generic ISO for ubuntu server, follow reverendj1's answer.
Ubuntu 1404 Iso Download For Vmware Pc
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